About this site


    It is a page about a music compositions documenting an individual's feelings and impressions of an era and an epoch of a historic upheaval and pandemic death and suffering with no historic parallels. It is also a page of lamentations and melancholy of  the times past and present, and an expression of optimism of the times to come .

     I had done a few scribbles perhaps they did not make much of a sense to many that  did not attract much of an attention, Or if I did am unable to see it  that I decided to make some unique noise as unique as myself to be heard if at all. These has been by far the most daring and audacious I could get if at all I could borrow some ears. I may, who knows .if not what the heck! at least I tried.


We have enjoyed and dreaded
when the land was green 
The temperature hot and humid
We have longed for better days
Fall is here our prayers answered
Fall with its gray days and plants ripe and red
Ready to go to hibernation 
To sleep though the blue gray winter season
Fall is here as a reminder
To our reach in to adulthood
Before we had to sleep to start again
To rise up only after we fall down.
With hope and vitality of a new era
In a new day in a new time scale 
Like never before like never after
Fall again and fall many times over
Every time with a new twist and a new fervor
Once every year with out lapse 
On the third quadrant of annual time 
So it comes and goes as usual as always 
Fall it was, Fall it will be, So now fall it is. 


Happy Birthday to me  

        I am in the business of counting miles and asses the wear and tear that comes along with it to get ready if there need be an overhaul or a major maintenance or breakdown.

      Often times when ones milage increases the need to be conscious of it and be alert fo an eventuality heightens . Considering my accrued milage to date I am not to blamed for the heightened sense of my milage. 

      It is to be noted that I have been swinging around our star held by an invisible tread attached to mother earth with another similar tread called gravity only proportional to the difference of our masses and the distance separating us squared, yet a tread invisible and pervading the entire Universe holding it together and breaking it apart. 

      As it is this breaking apart and coalescence that makes things move, revolve spin and evolve, I too started revolving, spinning and evolving when my parents in their spin, revolve and evolve collided to to effect their chromosomes fuze to initiate my beginning some sixty five years and about 9 months ago to this date.

      Since then I have traveled around our father SUN (since motherhood is already allotted to Earth, I feel it is perhaps only appropriate to endow the privilege of fatherhood to our SUN as our (male progeny). 

     Since I detached or forced to myself from my mother and got attached to Mother Earth and started the long journey of spinning, revolving and evolving, I have made (584X65=37 Billion 960 million miles around the Sun. 

     It is indeed a new mile stone without accounting for the spinning distance covered and the few times I was detached from Mother Earth for flight to get to places “par avion”. If I am to account the spinning distance that I covered every year( 24901000000 x365.25= 90950902500000 909 billion 509 million 25 thousand miles and 909509025000x65=59,118,086,625,000 which 59 trillion,118 billion 625 thousand miles of spinning in space on the surface of the earth. 

     It was quite a journey and a high milage quite literally, despite the wear and tear along the path that I couldn't help congratulating myself and say ——-

 Happy Birthday to me !

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